The big day has arrived! We are very excited to announce the launch of the QR Women’s Mentorship Scheme and are keen to hear from others who are on a similar journey. As part of the effort to combat gender disparity in the engineering industry, the QRWMS team would love to share our knowledge and experience in developing gender equality initiatives in the product development world and hear your own stories too. If you are a company in the engineering industry and have recently launched a new ED&I initiative, what lessons did you learn? How have you guaranteed success? How has data shaped your approach?
For QR, the goal of our scheme is to empower and encourage QR female employees to strengthen their careers through internal mentorship. It is the first of its kind in the history of QR, and was born out of what we do best; a cold hard look at the data, and a drive to improve.
The 6-month mentorship scheme will allow QR’s women to tap into the existing knowledge, skills, and experience of senior or high performing employees and broaden their personal development networks. We also hope it will start a dialogue on gender-related topics across different levels of the business, bring depth to our existing breadth of talent and fill our leadership pipeline with the diversity necessary to navigate the 2020s and beyond.
If willing to share your expereicnes, we'd be delighted if you could complete the below form, or alternatively reach out to Emma Lloyd, Eleanor Collins, Katy Macken or Luyao Zheng.